Game Changer Investors

Beard Land Improvement Company has the ability to satisfy the industrial warehousing needs of businesses in Modesto, California. We can accommodate small to large build-to-suit projects, as well as short- and long-term leasing. Opportunity Stanislaus

Why Opportunity Stanislaus?

Some might wonder why economic development is so important. Not only does the work of the economic developer support business and its desire to grow and succeed, but it also helps all of our local citizens have better jobs, enjoy better pay and have more resources to provide for their families.

Stanislaus 2030 Co-Chair Dillon Olvera

Dillon Olvera, President and CEO of Beard Land and Investment Company, shares why he’s involved in this effort. #Stanislaus2030 Stanislaus 2030 – Facebook – February 15, 2022

Stanislaus 2030: Booming Economy or Unattainable Dream?

About every ten years, there is a significant turnover of leaders in Stanislaus County.  Each newly elected group lacks the institutional memory of departing incumbents. High staff turnover within city and county government makes understanding what the departing group planned difficult. City managers come and go like shoppers through a revolving door. New leaders often choose […]